Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lesson for Sunday 16/01/2011 shifted to 23/01/2011

Hey guys, I believe Esther sent out an email regarding actual lessons starting next week (23/11) rather than this week (16/11). This is so as to allow the sec 1’s to receive their material, do their daily devotions for the week before actually going through the lesson we have planned. Thus in short what you guys have to do this Sunday (16/11) are the following:

1) After service, gather the sec 1’s and get them onto the buses ASAP and head to ACJC

2) Pick up the books for your group members at level 1 lift lobby at ACJC this Sunday on your way up to your class rooms at level 7. You will be using the book entitled "Essential Truth." Leader's guide is separate book.

3) Go to your respective classrooms with the sec 1’s assigned to you and brief them on how to use the bible study materials. What to brief them about?

· Get everyone seated in a circle or smt (rearrange chairs in classroom) and spend some time for everyone to introduce themselves and to tell more about themselves (i.e. what sch they are in, hobbies, one funny thing about themselves etc)

· Refer to student book page 7 and guide them how they should use if for their daily devotions (Under the section Get Ready in the book there are bible verses and questions for the sec 1’s to do their daily devotions). For example, get them to turn to Exodus 3:1-3 (i.e. the Monday devotions) and get them to read it (either a few representatives or you can do it as a group). After reading it, go through the question with them – for example they can write their personal experiences/insights of how the bible verse had spoken to them and just simply pen down 1 thing they learnt from their devotion on that day.

· Inform them that they should set aside some time everyday (around 5-10 mins) to just read God’s word (could be morning before school starts/at night before they go to bed/after they finish their homework etc.). Explain to them that in this way our Sunday time spent together would be more fruitful (since they will get a feel of what the lesson is about and have a better idea on what we are teaching them) and that it is also time spent to connect with God and to listen to His word. Emphasize that this is an important part our Christian walk and it is a spiritual discipline that would help us in our walk with God J (of course this also means that as leaders we should be doing daily devotions ourselves lest we become hypocrites/ like the Pharisees).

· I think this would probably take around 30-45 mins

4) Since there is time, take time to bond with your group! HOW??

· I’ll bring some games along so you can play with your kids. These are some games that I have (each group could choose 1 and play):

Ø Saboteur (8 players max)

Ø Uglydolls (10 players possible)

Ø First hands (10 players possible)

Ø Monopoly deal (4 players only BOO!)

Ø Bang! (7 players max)

Ø Alternatively, you guys could play traditional ice-breaker games like wacko/polar bear/007 etc.

Ø If you have extra card games like those listed above please inform me/post it on the blog or smt so maybe we can split each group into 2 groups of 5 and play the card games.

Ø Also if you have other games/ideas please tell us!

5) End the class/lesson latest by 1230 with a prayer.

6) We’ll meet at the bleaches facing ACJC sports complex for a short debrief. (so that we can discuss about next week’s lessons or whatever problems/issues you face while leading lessons)


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