Friday, March 25, 2011

27 mar - why do i need to be in a small group?

main take-away point: as christians, we need to connect with others who share our beliefs (i.e. other christians). in fact, interaction with others is an important part of our spiritual journey!

Hook! (10-15 mins)
once again, i don't really have a hook, but ask them these questions to start them thinking:
1  why are you here (in sunday school)?
your kids will most likely retort that they were forced by their parents to come..or maybe because of friends, etc..
2  so do you know the importance of sunday school?
im sure they will come up with some brillant nonsense that's wrong..
but still listen to them anyways..
and then, (if they're wrong), explain to them that that's not the idea of sunday classes, and that that's what today's lesson is about - to understand the real purpose.

Book! (30-35 mins)
Read Acts 2 : 42 - 47
Suggested questions
1  What does this passage tell us about community?
- God made us to enjoy relationships.
- God gave us a community - the Church - in which we can spiritually grow and live out His purposes for ours lives alongside other Christians!

2  Why do we need community?
- we weren't made to be alone.
- we were made to connect with God and other people
- Genesis 2:18 "It is not good for the man to be alone"
- Genesis 2:24 "A man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife"
- similarly, this is how our relationship with God should be - intimate and everything that's good.

3  Refer to v44, do you think its possible?
- everyone is different - different personalities, different thinking, etc..its definitely impossible by our own standards/limits, but we're not alone
- in fact, through God, all things are possible
- when we are able to have a common purpose, which is God's purpose for us, then we will be able to move as one body
- we must also be willing to recognize the fact that we need each other because the church is God's plan to bring healing and freedom to His people, and we're to complete His mission of "setting captives free and healing the broken-hearted", which in short, is bringing the good news to the world

4  What good comes out of being in a community?
- people's physical and spiritual needs are met
- other's can't help but to notice the warmth (which is God's doing), and they are drawn into these communities by love and acceptance
- but when Christ is not the centre of our lives, then it becomes evident in our actions..there is no common goal, and the community will start to become a battlefield of sorts.

bottom-line? we need to be connected with other Christians in order to grow relationally, spiritually and mission-wise.

Took! (10-15 mins)
What should we do then?
#1  commit to journeying through life together with other christians
this has more serious implications - most "christians" who are not active in church end up falling away
#2  join a small group
in a small group, we are able to be accountable to each other, and to support each other every step of the way. in fact, we do not go to the church, but rather, we are the church. the church is not a building, but the people.
#3  use your God-given gifts to serve
while every one of use need to be part of a church that helps us to grow spiritually, we also need to be mindful of how we can serve and contribute back to the church, and to help others as well

Hebrews 10:23-25
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Close in prayer!
keep the habit of praying for your kids! it will undoubtedly be difficult, but remember, you're not here to just teach them, but to nurture them and touch their lives for Christ. So fight on! (:

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